020 8089 5226


Kindly select the dishes you require from the menus provided below. Once you have made your selections, we will promptly furnish you with a tailored price quote. Your cooperation in specifying your preferences will enable us to provide you with accurate pricing and ensure a seamless service experience. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Vegetarian Street Food

popular packages

The below packages are based on a minimum of 50 guests and calculated per head.
The price includes: 

Onsite cooking team & travel

Disposable bio-degradable cutlery & crockery

Our cooking equipment and food display equipment

jiko pizza

Pizza, Garrlic Breab, Chilli Paneer, Plain/Masala Chips, Pani Puri Fountain, Papdi Chaat, Vegan Coleslaw


chaat street

Veg Burger (Wada Pav or Dabeli), Pani Puri, Sev Puri, Dahi Puri, Samosa Chaat, Pav Bhaji Bruschetta 



Chilli Paneer, Veg Manchurian, Hakka Noodles, Gobi Manchurian, Veg Fried Rice, Veg Spring Rolls,         


bbq delight

Chicken Wings, Chicken Tikka, Lamb Seekh Kebabs, Lamb Chops, Paneer Tikka, Veggie Burgers, Masala Chips, Naan, Salad


Do you need a mobile bar or any other service?